Firearm Shuffle (Mix and Game Jam)
Firearm Shuffle is a 2D Top Down Shooter mixed with some "card-game lite" mechanics. When playing you are up against an endless hoard of mobs. Upon death a mob will drop a new "Card" to be added to you "hand". Due to time constraints the only set of cards I was able to implement were the weapon cards. Thus each card you pick up will essentially grant you a random weapon to use, and add it to you hand. Each weapon has unique stats and appearance.
This game was initially created during the 48 hour Mix and Game Jam, hosted by Mix and Jam. All visual assets were drawn, and the vast majority of code was written during this 48 hour window.
- use your weapons for movement as well as combat.
- To help with accessibility
all controlssome controls (See known bugs bellow) are fully rebind-able from the options menu - Whenever you run out of cards in your hand you will always receive a new pistol card
- Cards are used up once the weapon runs out of ammo
Check out my other Games :)
* Fixed card entity z-index issue (card would display bellow grass and other ground tiles)
* Fixed camera / tilemap issue where upon load, you could see in between tiles
* Fixed issue where keybinds menu would be patially scrolled on main menu scene load
* Fixed issue where rebinding the nextItem and prevItem keys would rebind the attack key instead
* Fixed issue where the card UI would not display weapon type properly
* Fixed issue where wrong song would play when in the arena
Misc Changes
* Enemies now stop moving / shooting after GameOver screen appears
* Changed size of card hand overlay to take up less screen real-estate
* Changed size of card item drop hitbox. This will make it slightly easier to grab
Gameplay Changes
* Added screenshake when the player takes damage (Milkshake free unity asset from assetstore)
* Increased enemy spawn times slightly
Weapon Changes
* Player Knockback changes on weapons...
> pistol : -33%
> RPG : -11%
> Bullpup : +100%
> Rifle : 0%
> SMG : -20%
* RPG explosion now has less fall off damage, thus increasing its overall effectiveness
This git repo only holds the scripts used up until the time of initial submission for the Mix and Game Jam. Some code was written prior to the start of the jam: https://github.com/Sephta/mixjam-submission
Code - Me
Art - Me
* Sounds By Dame @SounsByDane on itch.io
* User Kronbits "200 free sfx pack" on itch.io
* Kenny Assets by Kenny
Music - Kennys Assets ()
Install instructions
If downloading the Windows version of the game. Simply download the ZIP file to a safe and reachable location on your computer. Extract the contents to an accessible location, and double click the .exe to start the game.
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Very cool//
nice game. my score is 8213